United Nations
The University of New South Wales
about us
Founded in 1995, the UNSW United Nations Society is a non-for-profit organisation which seeks to promote the ideals of the United Nations on campus and within our community.
We aim to foster a new generation of global citizens and create greater awareness about pressing international issues. We provide opportunities that will add an extra dimension to your university degree, including national and international Model UN Conferences.
The Society holds various events on campus throughout the year, including socials and mini-MUNs. We send delegations to model United Nations conferences across Australia and around the world. Each year we also run a volunteer program called 'Discover MUN'. Find out more about opportunities to get involved in the tabs above.
How do I get involved?
There are heaps of ways you can get involved:
Join UNSOC: joining UNSOC means you can be involved in all of our events throughout the year (usually including free food), join our delegation in attending Model UN conferences both on campus and around Australia and the world (often with monetary subsidies to cover some of the costs), and be in a society with like-minded students interested in diplomacy and international events.
Attend any UN Society event: Stay updated in the calendar above, by following us on social media, or by joining our mailing list
Attend a MUN Conference with us: sign up forms are regularly posted on the Facebook page and sent out to our mailing list - otherwise you can stay updated by regularly checking our website
Join our Discover MUN program: check the 'Discover MUN' tab above for more information!
Join the executive team or subcommittee: elections open at the end of each year, and subcommittee recruitment occurs in February/March, so watch out for those posts on our social media!
I've never MUN'ed before, can I attend an external conference?
Short answer: YES!
Many of our more experienced members recall attending a conference at the national or international level as a first-time MUN'er. As part of the UN Society delegation heading to any conference, you will receive ample training and support from your fellow team members and executive members. You will also be provided with a thorough 'How to MUN' guidebook.
Do I have to know everything about the UN to get involved?
Short answer: no!
Many of our members and MUN'ers come from all different backgrounds, studying a range of degrees (no, we're not all experts on the United Nations). However, everyone in the society has an interest in worldy events, whether it be international politics or domestic events.
Any other questions?
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us on our contact page.